Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to Life Back to REALITY

In the words of my mom after a vacation its "BACK TO REALITY" I can almost hear her voice saying it....

I have to say I love vacations, I love going to places I have never been, I love going to places I have been, I love to relax, I love to eat in new places but I LOVE to come home. Sad I know but even in Hawaii towards the end I was ready to be home. Home is a bunch of different places. When I fly to Boston I say "I'm going home" then when we fly to San Diego I say "time to go home." Home is where the family(that includes my friends) and of course where the PUPPY IS!! Obsessed I know, but I don't care.

We came home and just settled in and I went on a run Saturday to shake off the cobwebs. I gotta say I should NOT have worn my old sneakers cause I got kinda sore towards the end of the run but it started to rain a bit and it felt good. Kind of reminded me of running in New England! I will hopefully get a few good runs in when I am home in Boston in May for a wedding, can't wait to run around the Charles!!!

At one point (now this is where my psychicness comes in and I really am intune with shit like this) I was lying in bed with the dog and I started to think about an earthquake and what I would do if and when it hit. I thought "well I am close by the patio door out so I guess I would go outside. I even looked out to check on wires and such. Weird. Weird because a few hours later the house started to rumble. (as I am writing this we are getting more aftershocks) This was different than the times that I thought we were having them but it turned out to be our spin cycle on the drier. This time everythng was moving. Of course I took the time to grab my phone so I could post on facebook right away (safety first right) and then we went to the backyard where we could see everyone had also retreated outside. The pots and pans were clanging and the ground even outside continued to rumble under my feet. I have to say it was kinda cool and yet scary at the same time. It was a 7.2 that occurred not too far away in Mexico. That is about twice as strong as the Haiti earthquake. Amazing what the earth can do. Since then there have been probably close to 15 aftershocks at least. I swear I spent most of Sunday running outside and was awoken this morning to another shaker. There have been others since I moved here but I honestly never felt one. This was apparently the strongest one felt around here in about 15 years. Some say dogs are supposed to sense these things. Belle was likely licking herself or scratching the huge gash she got at the groomers.

Thanks Belle, remind me to get a smarter dog next time. (jk belle mommy loves you)
You never know, a dog could read.

On the training front, I am now in focus for the future races coming up. I have a half marathon and olympic tri in June. But I am really thinking about another half ironman. In the running at this point are
SOMA- pros: closeby can drive to it in arizona cons:flat, hot, looks like a crappy loopy course
IRONMAN 70.3 Austin- pros: its austin and I have never been and i LOVE the fried pickles and bbq in texas, looks like a cool course, flat and if it has the name ironman on it its gotta be good cons: it would be a plane ride
IRONMAN 70.3 Timberman pros: its in NH during my school break cons: its in NH during my school break. With all the travelling this year for weddings (may boston/mexico, july boston, september boston) I cannot imagine travelling during my time that is supposed to be rejuvenating from a rather stressful/taxing job.

BUTCHA NEVER KNOW! If any of you have done any of these events let me know your feedback.

NEWS!!! I just hired a swim coach, she is a local pro triathlete and lifeguard and from what I hear a great swim coach. I am hoping someone can help me get from the back of the pack to the middle of the pack! I have my individual session on Wednesday night. I will see if I need more, but I am hoping that she can help identify something I am doing wrong that is causing my shoulder to flip the F out every season!

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