Thursday, April 9, 2009

Play Ball

The trip home was great and I wish I was still there, but I had to come back and get back to some normalcy and get my ass in gear for training. Here are some pics from the long weekend. We started off with a suprise 60th bday for my dad which was very fun to see everyone at the same place. And although I am the worlds worst liar I managed to pull off suprising my dad and getting him to the bar.

I got to spend the next day at Mark and Christine's and had a great time with Elizabeth during bath time, and then got to wake up with her the next day to hear her say " I love JoJo," bestill my heart. Turns out though that she thought my name was Belle. SHe kept calling me that for a few days until I realized it, and then I realized that whenever we are on the webcam, we always say "say hi to Belle." Obsessed much!

The beach cruiser tricycle that I bought for her bday.

The Sox game was postponed by a day so Mark and Chris could not get the day off so my old neighbors from Medford came along with Veenters. It was an absolutely ridiculous day from start to finish, but I have not enjoyed myself like that in a while (okay not so long ago, but I have not enjoyed myself in Boston like that for a while). Good times.

Started off at my favorite donut shop D WITH A D! Perhaps I should have eaten a little more that day before the rest of the festivities.

My favorite fenway bartender, and the one I blame for my drunken display.

No I do not know these guys, nor do I remember how this went down, but whatever!

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